Season's End
Posted by Kate Rise on
October days slowly grew shorter, but we still managed to pack in a lot of fun!
A Poppins dinner at The Woods was extra special as Kate's mom joined us for a delicious meal. On our walk home, the night sky displayed a beautiful lunar halo.
Our fall window was a hit as people would stop to look at the beautiful wreaths crafted by Kate.
Halloween was celebrated a week early on the island with children trick-or-treating along Main Street. The Poppins team joined in the costume fun after hours and coordinated as an “Enchanted Garden”.
Our last day of the summer season was Sunday, October 23rd. After working several days taking shop inventory, we took one last bike ride together around the island before our good-byes as several of us left the island.
Walking along familiar trails, listening to the crunch of fall leaves underfoot, I reflected on all the many faces that came through our doors this season. For the few minutes that our guests visit and shop, there are many stories of celebrations (engagements, weddings, anniversaries!) and accomplishments (riding around the island for the first time, running a race, earning a Girl Scout badge!) and just simple conversations of enjoying a beautiful day together.
Thank you for making us a part of your lives, your friendship, and support. Often, a guest will mention something that they had purchased on a previous visit, share they follow us on Instagram, or they never visit the island without stopping by to shop. These comments mean so much to us!
Thank you for a wonderful summer season!